About Us

Our Mission:

To build a group of educated, motivated and committed voters to support a better future for the Town of Salem.

About The Coalition For A Better Salem 

The Coalition For A Better Salem was founded in the fall of 2022 with a vision for the future of Salem. The initial purpose is to rally support for the adoption of a Town Charter in the 2023 Municipal Election. With the passage of the Charter, the founder, Charter Commission Chairperson Bernie Campbell, stepped down from his leadership role, and passed on the mission of the Coalition for a Better Salem to others, in order that they may continue to move the Town forward, supporting major projects to improve the town. 

The purpose of the Coalition For A Better Salem is to educate, motivate and organize voters in Salem to support town initiatives important for Salem’s future. The first of these was the adoption of the new Town Charter which passed on March 14, 2023. In January 2024 the Coalition For A Better Salem has chosen to support the newly proposed Salem, NH Police Station. 

The Coalition For A Better Salem is explicitly non-partisan. The goal of the group is to bring together people who care about the future of Salem, regardless of political affiliation, and membership is open to all. All that matters is a belief in the Coalition’s mission statement: To build a group of educated, motivated and committed voters to support a better future for the Town of Salem.

The ultimate vision of the Coalition For A Better Salem to be “one stop shopping” for information about the municipal election: an easy place to locate registration information, polling locations, and the issues being presented on the ballot. We envision producing non-partisan, easy to comprehend summaries of the warrant articles, as well as providing candidates a place to lay out their vision for the town. We hope to partner with groups like SCGTV to co-sponsor forums for municipal elections. 

Current CFBS Steering Committee Members

The current steering committee is comprised of Salem residents that love our town. Although we hold positions in our local (and state) government we're not working in our official capacities. Instead, we're simply citizens passionate about the need for a new Police Station in Salem. We encourage you to reach out if you have any questions about the Coalition or us. 

Damon Norcross

Salem Planning Board

Damon's Website

Joe Sweeney

Salem Town Councilor and       NH State Representative

Joe's Website

Kelly Moss

Salem Charter Commission

Kelly's Website

Erin Murphy

Salem Communications Committee

Erin's Facebook